I want to test the chloride ion concentration in the soil sample where I am conducting a research, but I cannot find a procedure to proceed. Thanks in advance!
Generally soluble chloride ions are determined in the saturated extract of soil solution by the method described by Richards (1954).
Richards, L. A. (ed.) 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils , USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 60. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Generally soluble chloride ions are determined in the saturated extract of soil solution by the method described by Richards (1954).
Richards, L. A. (ed.) 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils , USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 60. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Soluble chloride ions are determined in the saturated extract of soil solution by silver nitrate titration using potassium chromate as an indicator. The method described by Richards (1954)
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