Found on the stem of a hollow pinetree (Pinus sylvestris) in the Northern part of Norway.The picture is unfortunately blurred, but the red eyes should be a good characteristics. Length 10 mm.
To me it looks like a Cydia, but there are a number of species occurring on Pinus, like Cydia cognatata, C. coniferana, C. cosmophorana, the pic IS a bit blurred.
It is Gelechiidae: Neofaculta infernella. You can see from even this image the long ascending palpi that definitely exclude Tortricidae and equally definitely tells it is gelechioid. This species is common in Fennoscandia.
This maybe right, but Neofaculta interfernella is from morphologic aspects not discriminable from Neofaculta ericetella, both species live in the same habitats. So jou can say, this is Neofaculta ericetella/interfernella or you have to do a genital preparation.
Helmut Deutsch has recorded a partificial albino from Neofaculta interfernella:
These species can be identified externally as follows: infernella has broader and more blunt-tipped forewings and its ground colour is more brown than in ericetella. At least in Scandinavia. As all this points towards infernella, with no conflict in the picture, I dared to suggest the id to species level.
Yes. That has something else to do, an individual disturbance in development of pigment or so. So does the hollow tree, as these gelechiids are green leaf feeders. So are also other related gelechiids, if it appears that my identification of genus/species is wrong (in the further images there now appears such wing pattern that I could not decipher in the first).