Dissolved lipids in one volume of toluene and two volumes of 1% sulphuric acid in methanol. Use tridecaenoic acid (C13:0) as an internal standard for calculating the amounts of fatty acid. Incubate the mixture at 80 ºC followed by overnight incubation at 50 ºC. Put 5% NaCl solution to the methanolic mixture and extract fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in hexane. inject 1 microlitre into GC and detect using FID.
For identification of fatty acids, best way is derivatization following methyl esterification (FAME) and then GC-MS analysis. If you are expecting any unusual fatty acid you can also try DMOX derivatization to confirm the position of double bonds.
For estimation, it's better to use GC-FID using uncommon fatty acid as internal standard. You can use C19:0 or C23:0 as internal standard if these fatty acids are not identified in the sample.