I am working on a meta-analysis for classification methods (end goal is developing a tool selection framework) and I am having a difficult time finding similar studies. Does anyone know any studies treating this subject?
Dear Claudiu, great to have the chance to refer you one of my colleagues.
Professor Ana Jeroncic is a very talented and experiences statistician, who has been performing outstanding mathematical assessments at Cochrane Croatia. Perhaps, you could at least ask her via email your needs and questions and she might give you instructions and insights.
From your post you seem to be doing a taxonomy for machine learning. If so, then what is the focus of your approach to classification. For example: algorithm type,
hardware utilisation (multi core, GPU, other), programming language, etc.
Thanks Israel Junior Borges do Nascimento , Kai Heinrich and Arturo Geigel .
To answer your question Arturo: I am not trying to classificate the methods, rather my focus is on the classification methods and what is the best methodology to summarize those. I am focused in ML for the prediction of bankruptcy.