I hope someone can be of assistance. I want to stain whole Arabidopsis rosettes for starch content. The staining itself is not the problem, the ‘assembly’ of the rosettes are. When it is finished de-coloring in ethanol and stained in Lugol solution, getting it back to any shape that resembles a nice rosette is near impossible. I spend quite a while trying to get my rosette to look like a rosette.
I have seen some papers that have stained the whole rosette, just not sure how they managed to ‘assemble’ it.
Thank you in advance!
I attached a picture of my attempt at 'assembling' my stained rosette (end of night).
In case you need to know the staining process:
75% EtOH microwave for 10s (repeat twice) - wash with mQH2O - stain in Lugol solution 2 min - wash mQH2O