09 September 2013 10 7K Report

I prepare RGO by chemical method. I want to find the specific capacitance of my sample. I have taken CV by three electrode method for my sample. I used the following formula for calculation but I cant get the proper value. C= [Q/mxv ] x area of glassy carbon or C = {integrated area/ [m x v x V]} x Area of glassy carbon. It came like 0.23 F/g or 0.063 F/g. I find the integrated area using origin software and charge by CV equipment installed software itself. My active mass value is 0.0006 and potential window (V = -1.5 to 1.5) and scan rate (v = 50mV/s). I attached my graph below. Can anyone help me to get the proper specific capacitance value for my sample?

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