I agree with Nicolas the add-in GA in Excel is limited to specific simple multi-criteria one objective NP problems. For more specialized EA tools see Matlab optimization tool and the one mentioned by Nicolas.
I've already tried GeneHunter software to optimize my constrained model in Excel. GeneHunter provides a setting to solve constrained model, but the solutions are not guaranteed to satisfy the constraints. It happen when I try to set different parameter of GA. When I set Pop 50, 100, 150 with varied crossover and mutation rate, then the solution always satisfy the constraint. but Pop 80, 200, 250 do not satisfy the constraint. It seems population is very influencing the solution but not for crossover or mutation rate. I've experimented Pop 80, 200, 250 with varied mutation/crossover but the solution still do not satisfying the constraint. After that, I've read some suggestions to add penalty functions into the model. But I'm still loss the idea, how to include it into the model. Is it integrated into objective functions? Or add to the constraint? So that I wanna ask to anyone who has example of adding penalty function in the constrained model..Thank you
Mas chair, coba install Ms. Excel 2010 dan install "Silver". Nah disitu ada Algoritma Generic. Nanti tinggal buat fungsi Excel yg memiliki pembatas. Udh jadi mas. 😁
Maksudnya Add-in Solver atau Silver? Kalau solver, settingan utk model GAnya tidak lengkap dan terbatas g sesuai sma modelku. Makanya pake Genehunter. Dalam Genehunter punya fungsi pembatasnya jga dan lebih lengkap pengaturannya. Sy jg udh buat fungsi pembatas di excel. Tp yg jd masalah bukan pembatas di excelnya. Tp di softwarenya karena beberapa percobaan setting parameter GA memang kadang tidak memuaskan constraint. Jadi yg cape cri parameter GA yg robust. Sy jg udh tnya pihak Genehunter, memang pencarian GA pakai pembatas itu tidak guarantee semua solusi dpt memuaskn constraint. Jadi, lg mau cri cara utk mengatasi constraint spya berhasil disetiap setting parameter GAnya.