Can anyone expert to suggest list of fast publishing Journals in Elsevier, Springer and IEEE in Mechanical Engineering field with Impact factor more than 1?
Most of the Elsevier journals in the field of Mechanical Engineering have good reviewer database and expedite the review process. A reviewer is given strictly 15 -21 days to complete the review. If not, the reviewer invitation is automatically withdrawn in most of the journals. Nevertheless, a review period is always unpredictable ranging from few days to several months. Therefore, a researcher is required to wait patiently until a manuscript is published.
Note: All Elsevier and Springer journals have displayed their average length of review process in their home page.
Agree with the answer of my senior colleague Isaac Dinaharan however, I have one recommendation for you International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology is a relatively fast journal in the mechanical domain. Thank you
if you want it very fast, your best bet will be submitting your manuscript to Indian journals. There are many of them out there. They will promise to publish your work within 3 days. But quality-wise, the quality is predatory, and the review outcome is always is positive, to make you pay the APC, and they make a profit. If you want a fast submission, you can try them out.