Hey, i am constantly getting this prompt, whenever i define the streams, it does not allows anything to enter in the prompt box. Even if i press any key or number this error comes up.
My GIS skills are dated after retirement. But years back, we developed first a DEM from topographic map, then converted to raster. Each raster cell had an elevation and flow direction connected, so we had to tell how many cells or acreage to make a headwater stream estimate. I remember in the S Carolina Mtns and Piedmont, we used 5 acres to initiate a stream. When we directed flow sections across or through floodplains, we often had to remove bridges, culverts and effectively burn in the channel network. In heavily vegetated areas, LiDAR coverage and detail had many advantages in developing stream network. A few of our publications in Research gate discuss some of this. Before LiDAR and GIS, we did this by hand reading the crenellations of the topographic maps. Some of the newer flow modeling software in ArcMap reduces some of the steps and detail we went through, but it still requires a detail eye and close attention in editing. The coastal plain was most challenging, but LiDAR was basically a deal changer, for detail, but in flow modeling one channel is defined through a braided network, so other overflow channels had to be digitized by hand. I think the error is asking how many cells and associated area it takes to initiate the flow for developing the stream coverage.