09 September 2014 1 665 Report

 I have a question regarding the appropriate use of comparisons for independent samples (3 factor levels) for various continuous variables.

Overall sample size is N=546, subsamples: 218 or 228 or 100), convenience sampling, stratified.

I use ANOVA with post hoc Tukey, if Levene indicates variance homogeneity.

My question:

If there no equal variance: What do do?

a) Using Kruskal-Wallis?

> For post hoc: Do I use Mann-Whitney for pairwise comparisons (if so: what about the alpha inflation?)?

b) Still using GLM but with non-parametric post hocs?

> If so: which one? Tamhane? Dunnett or Games-Howelll?

> What about F, can I still use it? isn’t H then the more appropriate statistic?

> Why gives GLM anyway the option of running on-parametric tests of homoscedasticity is an assumption.

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