I am a research scholar currently focusing on ASDs. Impaired social interactions are a hallmark of ASDs. I need to know whether the terms social interaction and social behavior can be used synchronously or there is a difference?
the word "social" implies that there comes in the social component... like "learned behaviour". Everything which is said not to be part of the "blank" organism. Beside that it is a similar concept than the difference between interaction and behaviour. Interaction means a relationship between something. In that case people (or in a wider range organisms). Behavior is more directed to the representations of one individual.
Also take a look here for more information: http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Social_interaction
There is always some kind of interaction going on (e.g. internally with the individual and with greater universe), or with a person, place or thing. Social behavior can be a tourettes-like action or visual-perceptual thing or a sensory impulse. However, in a research project, I would define the two, if you want to convey a difference; or say you're going to use both terms for the same thing. However, I think you should justify your choice from the literature review.
There are some differences social interaction and social behavior. Social interaction involves the mutual orientation of the each person or group so that they can or all of them can understand and put their view and opinion and in front of the person or all the people they are interacting with. Also this does not required the physical present of the person or people, you can interact with people using video conferencing or using any social media. As long as they are oriented towards each other and paying attention to everyone's thought, that an interaction.
Social behavior is something you learned about how you want to be seen and understand by other people in a society, and how you react to the spontaneous activities happening in front of you and having some responsibilities towards making the human society better for others living beings. And it can be positive social behavior or negative social behavior, which might be depends on how your brain works together towards the positive valence or negative valence.
Some people use both of these terms interchangeable, but I think there are some differences between Social Interaction and Social Behavior
There are about 60 genes already been found to be involved in ASD at defferent levela and this spectum is getting broader everyday then it was before as our understaniding about the disease increasing exponentially. I think people with ASD are carrying some brain network dysfunction
We tried to use the forced social interaction on animal models and find out that their social behavior changed dramatically if they had bad experience in the past (we defeat these mice with aggressor ones). This study shows that some of these genetically identical mice carrying brain network dysfunction and were susceptible to stress which impaired their social behavior. Take a look at this article