All these methods are fields in computer science, the purpose of which is to make the mechanism intelligent, especially in the follow-up of human activities either for their classification or for making useful decisions... Som of these activities are Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include: Speech recognition. Learning, human activity recognition...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is most general concept and consist of machine learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). ANN used ML techniques for learning but another important discussion in ANN is architecture which is not discussed in ML. Deep Learning is a branch of ML which is correspond to some deep ANNs! on the other hand deep ANN learn with deep learning techniques.
When we say AI, then our aim is to research a ability, of cause by machine, to analysis and solve any problem for human beings' purpose, there produces a number of methods or branches to this goal. These branches can be called ML, ANN, and etc.