good lord Mumuni Yidana that is a good question. However, what do you think are those skills? Nowhere are there consensuses of what should be the digital skills necessary for teaching. Plus, most of the educational community is woefully backward. I would be very hard on most institutions as well, for they just assume professors will figure out something. At Worchester Polytechnic Institute in 1998 there was a computer science expert for five professors to guide them along the constantly evolving field. But that was the exception. Knowing how to create your own website and program with javascript to make it interactive used to be a coveted skill for language teachers to STEM instructors, but not now. here would be my off-the-cuff playlist:
Understand both the level of student tech, and adapt this in teaching say use calculators, laptops, phones etc. in class. Student and Colleague Capital...
be able to edit video, sound, text and probably would consider PowerPoint as well.
Understand how to publish the content created images, audio, video slideshows etc.
master some sort of quiz and test maker, either on the school's platform or on an outside website like Kahoot.
Understand the importance of lifetime learning for the teacher and students via forums, youtube, and so on.
Able to use advanced search engine techniques, internet archives, Gutenberg project, Libary of Congress, etc
There is a start but the abundance available is for all practical purposes infinite. Don't hesitate to ask questions
I gathered for you resources you might consider of value:
1) Gümüş, M.M., Kukul, V. Developing a digital competence scale for teachers: validity and reliability study. Educ Inf Technol (2022)., Free access:
Article Developing a digital competence scale for teachers: validity...