Hi, you can use mycelial growth. What we do is measure the colony approximate area by taking to perpendicular measures starting from the longest side. Then, you multiply them and you can have an idea of the growth area. If your fungus grows more circularly, you can measure the diameter and calculate the area of a circle. We usually compare the growth on fungicide-amended medium with the one on control plates (no fungicide). So, you can wait till the growth on the control plate reaches a specific size and in that moment you measure the ones in amended-medium. In that way you may have an idea of how much it is inhibited relative to the control. Or you can measure them all at a defined time (in days or hours). Contact me if you need more info!
What species of type of fungus are you using? You can use Kirby Bauer for species like Candida. But for filamentous fungi, you can use poison plate technique.
Hi: You can use the ruler to measure the 2 or 3 dim of the liner fungal grow and take the mean of it, compare with the control treatment you can calculate the antifungal activity of what chemical you use, Inhibition %= mean of dim on treated treatment/mean of dim on control treatment * 100.
3 methods can be used depending on the aspect of growth under consideration: mycelial growth, spore production or mass growth rate. my recent paper is attached for possible assistance.
Hi, you can use mycelial growth. What we do is measure the colony approximate area by taking to perpendicular measures starting from the longest side. Then, you multiply them and you can have an idea of the growth area. If your fungus grows more circularly, you can measure the diameter and calculate the area of a circle. We usually compare the growth on fungicide-amended medium with the one on control plates (no fungicide). So, you can wait till the growth on the control plate reaches a specific size and in that moment you measure the ones in amended-medium. In that way you may have an idea of how much it is inhibited relative to the control. Or you can measure them all at a defined time (in days or hours). Contact me if you need more info!
I think the most accurate method is scanning the colony and further processing it with an adequate software. We use an APS program called Assess, but I think that other image processing softwares could allow you to measure image properties (length, width, area, colour, etc.). I hope it helps. Good luck!
Vous pouvez 1/mesurer journalièrement pendant 8 jours plusieurs diamètres de la colonie et calculez la moyenne, 2/ comparer les poids de la matière sèche , 3/ Calculer le de sporulation journalière.
2 lines intersecting at centre are drawn at the bottom of the Petri dish. Linear mycelial is taken along predetermined lines after four days but before growth reaches the edge of plate. By this, reading is in 4 replicates. The rate of growth per day can be determined.
Au bout de 4 jours de croissance, jusqu'à 7 jours, mesurez plusieurs diamètres de la colonie et calculez la moyenne. Procédez de la même façon avec le témoin sans fongicide et comparez vos résultats pour établir la cinétique de la croissance journalière. Répétez le test sur 3 boites de Petri.