I have to take SEM images of a solution of liposomes, But i dont know how to process sample preparation. Can anyone suggest me reference paper? please help me to sort out this.
Dear Sir. Concerning your issue about the protocol for SEM sample prepration of solution of liposomes. SEM is primarily useful for giving a three-dimensional image of the surface of the specimen and is for viewing large objects. As with TEM, specimens are imaged with a beam of electrons, but instead of the electrons being transmitted through the specimen, the beam is "scanned" across, creating an image of the surface of the sample, with exceptional depth of field. This image is achieved via the detection of "secondary" electrons that are released from the specimen as a result of it being scanned by very high energy "primary" electrons (ie. those emitted from the electron "gun" in the SEM). As most biological specimens are made up of non-dense material the amount of secondary electrons produced is too low to be of much use in creating an image and therefore they are usually coated with a very fine layer of a metal which readily produces secondary electrons. The large depth of field achievable can produce an image of great visual depth with a three-dimensional appearance. The operating environment of a standard scanning electron microscope dictates that specialist preparation techniques are used. Typically, a biological specimen is chemically fixed, dehydrated through an acetone or ethanol series and then dried at the critical point - a method used to minimize specimen distortion due to drying tensions. For dry samples, this process is not necessary. SEM can also be used to investigate smooth surfaces of industrial samples. The samples are mounted on a stub of metal with adhesive, coated with 40 - 60 nm of metal such as Gold/Palladium and then observed in the microscope. SEM services include: · Fixation and dehydration · Critical point drying · Drying with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) and t-Butanol · Coating with Gold/Palladium using Sputter coater · Image processing (software Scandium). I think the following below link and the attached file may help you in your analysis: