Thank you.. but this is a validation check paper by Stephen Jaros where he suggested changes.. i am looking for the original 1997 scale which was revised by Meyer and Allen
Not sure which reference you are referring to given that they both have multiple publications most years, and there are a few versions of the measure, I believe (are you referring to their book?). Here is an older version of the measure...
However, I agree with Dr Spector regarding writing a request to Dr Meyer (he is on research gate). You could also ask Dr Allen who is in the same department at UWO and also on research gate.
Why you want to use Allen and Meyer.scale? In fact, taking your research context, you should develop relevant scale rather than using Allen and Meyer. scale which was developed and used for alien context.
Sir i am a 1st year research Student.. so i am starting with already developed scales first, But i will surly develop a scale after gaining some experience.
Hope hope you got the scale and your research progressing. However, I am of firm opinion that whatever research you do should have practical use rather than collecting dust in libraries.
depending on your research goal, I would suggest looking at the current shifts in the commitment literature towards a less problematic (even if wide-used) scale, like for example:
Klein, H. J., Cooper, J. T., Molloy, J. C., & Swanson, J. A. (2014). The assessment of commitment: Advantages of a unidimensional, target-free approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(2), 222.
Klein, H. J., Molloy, J. C., & Brinsfield, C. T. (2012). Reconceptualizing workplace commitment to redress a stretched construct: Revisiting assumptions and removing confounds. Academy of Management Review, 37(1), 130-151.
I am sure, you are also studying about copyright issues. Using anyone's scale without explicit permission from her/him is an outright copyright violation.