Let me know whether you have installed netcdf latest version, WPS/WRFV3 with the executables like(WPS/geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, metgrid.exe and WRFV3/test/em_real/real.exe/wrf.exe).
If you have done all these then you can run the WRF 1D.
What is the problem of your setting up of 1D WRF. I have been used 1D WRF last year for some studies. Maybe you can post your problems. I may still remember something.
Thank you very much for your message. I am new to WRF 1D. I want to run WRF in 1D mode. could you please let me know what is the processor to run WRF in 1D mode. Is it in real mode or ideal mode? bcz I am running WRF in 3D mode for real cases.
Thank you very much for your reply. If we want to run WRF in 1D, do we need to compile it in ideal mode or real mode..?. I am little confused with this part. Do we need to change the soil input file along with sounding ..? Your expertise will be more use full for us. We want to see how WRF1D can simulate/forecast fog.
I'll try to be more clear. The program "ideal.exe" is the program in the WRF system that allows a user to run a controlled scenario. Typically this program requires no input except for the namelist.input and the input_sounding files. The program outputs the wrfinput_d01 file that is read by the WRF model executable. Since no external data is required to run the idealized case, the idealized simulations are also (and mainly) an easy way to insure that the model is working correctly. Idealized runs can use any of the boundary conditions except "specified"", and are not, by default, set up to run with sophisticated physics (other than from microphysics). Most have no radiation, surface fluxes or frictional effect.. The idealized cases are mostly useful for dynamical studies, reproducing converged or other known solutions, and idealized cloud modeling, hence I don't think you can use it for your purpose. Anyway:
there are one 1-D example of idealized case (of course also several 2-D and 3-D cases). The namelist can control the size of the domain, number of vertical levels, model top height, grid size, time step, diffusion and damping properties, boundary conditions, and physics options. A large number of existing namelist settings are already found within each of the directories associated witha particular case.
The input_sounding file can be any set of levels that goes at least up to the model top height (ztop) in the namelist. The first line includes the surface pressure (hPa), potential temperature (K) and moisture mixing ratio (g/kg). Each subsequent line has five input values: height (meters above sea-level), potential temperature (K), vapor mixing ratio (g/kg), x-direction wind component (m/s) and y-direction wind component (m/s). The “ideal.exe” program interpolates the data from the
input_sounding file, and will extrapolate if not enough data is provided.
Making modifications, apart from namelist-controlled options or soundings, has to be done by editing the Fortran code. Such modifications would include, for instance, changing the topography, the distribution of vertical levels or preparing a case to use more physics, such as a land-surface model. The fortran code to edit is contained in ./WRFV3/dyn_em/module_initialize_[case].F, where case is the case chosen in compilation.. The subroutine to modify is init_domain_rk. To change the vertical levels, only the 1-D array znw must be defined, containing the full levels, starting from 1 at k=1, and ending with 0 at k=kde.
Each of the ideal cases provides a set of default examples to you. For the 1-D case, follow 1- D single column model (test/em_scm_xy) which is:
- 4- km grid size, 12-km top
- Full physics
- Doubly periodic
At the end, if you want you can make a test, but I am afraid that you cannot address your problem for simulating/forecasting fog running such a a 1-D "ideal" case.
Thank you very much for your brief introduction which has given the clear idea for us. We have tested the case study with WRF_SCM today as you suggested and it seems to that we are able to run WRF_SCM with our own sounding data.
We wonder if you could help us to improve our fog forecast through WRF (3D/1D) or any other suggestions. Your expertise will be more useful for us.
Forecasting radiation fog at climatologically contrasting sites:
evaluation of statistical methods and WRF
(2016) DOI:10.1002/qj.2708
Note 1: one of the cause of the failure of WRF in predicting fog was the model failure in simulating low-wind and strong cooling condition. Latest version of WRF has improved these aspects.
Note 2: A multi-variable based diagnostic fog-forecasting method could be applied, even using variables which are direct outputs of the model. Using a multi-model ensemble may further improve the fog prediction.
I do not understand very well what is 1D mode. Do you mean that you want to solve the Navier Stokes equations in 1D direction? We can do this with our code ADREA-hf. Please send me an email in [email protected] to give you more helpful information.