Najla: What are you trying to score? Scoring criteria could be designed if you have case-control groups in place. Histologic scoring criteria could be applied based on prior publications in similar field or by well thought out criteria by an experienced entomologists or a pathologist.
Dear Najla, i will add that scoring methods different from subject to subject, so first you have to chose what do you want to score, then you will chose the method of scoring that you will follow, different methods yields to different results. I am suggesting that H&E used to make the tissue more clear under the microscope, specially cytoplasm and nucleus.. but scoring using H&E , THIS IS SOME THING SPECIAL AND NEW FOR ME?
H&E is a simple tissue coloration, just to colour the topography of the tissue, not to scale the degree of contents (like coloration used in histochemical : Alkaline phospatase , acid phosphatase, etc). By using the histochemical for example, we could see the level of content by regarding the colour and it make it possible to scale (semiquantitatif study).
So, please define what do you want to score? and on which part of tissue of Artemia?