I am currently studying the monetary mechanism transmission in Brazil, and using 4 variables into the analysis(interest, exchange rate, output and inflation). The goal is to study the impulse response functions.

I've made the 4 basic tests for the presence of the unit roots in these series, and found the results

Inflation being I(0)

Exchange Rate and Interest being I(1)

The output variable has been tough. ADF and Phillips Perron tests indicate that the variable is I(1), but ADF GLS and the KPSS test point to it being a I(2) variable. When the second difference is applied, all tests agrees in stationarity at this level. So far, I'm leaning into treating output as I(2).

So, can I use the VAR to estimate this equation and the impulse response function? Seeing some people suggesting ARDL but also read about how ARDL cannot be used in the case of I(2) and I(1) variables combined.

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