01 January 1970 0 254 Report

at the University of Leicester (United Kingdom)

Conference Date: September 11th – 16th, 2016

Submission Deadline for Papers: 21st January, 2016

Session Topics

There will be sessions on a broad range of methodological topics ranging from the following topics:

1.       Survey Methodology and other QUAN Approaches

2.       QUAL Methods

3.       Mixed Methods

4.       New Data Types

5.       Methods for Longitudinal and Comparative Research

6.       Paradata, Metadata, Meta-Analysis and Harmonization

7.       Methods for Substantial Research Fields

Please check the Conference Website for a full list of sessions

Conference Website


Please find further information on ISA RC33 (Research Committee on Logic & Methodology of the International Sociology Association) on http://www.rc33.org/

How to Submit an Abstract

1. To submit a paper abstract for any session of the RC33 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, you should visit:      


After landing on the homepage, navigate to ‘Abstract Submission’, which appears in the top left hand column of the webpage.

2. Complete the form in full. You may wish to cut and paste your abstract into the Abstract field from another document.

3. Choose the relevant session for your stream. To do so you will need to select the relevant lead session organiser from the drop-down menu highlighted in the image below. To check you are submitting to the correct session, you can view a table of sessions and session convenors by clicking the link entitled ‘View the list of sessions and session convenors’. Once complete, click submit.



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