01 January 1970 1 5K Report

Conference Date: September 11th – 16th, 2016

Submission Deadline for Papers: 21st January, 2016

Session Topics

The conference will host the following sessions on Mixed Methods and Methodology:

1.       Mixed Methods Research – Epistemological and Methodological Implications (Susanne Vogl, Leila Akremi, Cornelia Thierbach)

2.       Challenges of Mixed Methods Data Analysis and Interpretation (Tobias Gebel et al)

3.       Researching Social Processes (Jason Hughes)

4.       Process-Oriented Micro-Macro-Analysis: Mixing Methods in Longitudinal Analysis and Historical Sociology (Nina Baur, Eric Lettkemann, Jannis Hergesell and Maria Norkus)

5.       Social Studies of Reproduction: techniques, methods and reflexive moments (Nicky Hudson et al)

6.       Effect of respondents’ age on interviews (Susanne Vogl)

7.       Contemplative methods meets sociological imagination. An enactive perspective for sociological inquiry and wise social transformation (Vincenzo Giorgino and Krzysztof Konecki)

8.       Spatial Analysis (Nina Baur, Linda Hering, Jona Schwerer and Cornelia Thierbach)

9.       Analyzing space and spatial externalities (Alexandra Wicht et al)

10.   Monitoring Data Collection in International Settings (Ellen Marks)

11.   Methodological Challenges of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in the Non-Experimental Social Sciences (Bernd Weiss)

12.   Paradata, Marginalia and Fieldnotes: Using ‘By-Products’ in Social Research (O’Connor and Goodwin)

13.   How to measure a normative climate? (Alexandra Nonnenmacher and Alexandra Wicht)

14.   Methods of emotion research (Antje Kahl and Hubert Knoblauch)

15.   Religion and political participation (Theoni Stathopoulou and Christof Wolf)

16.   Sociological Methodologies for Mental Health and Illness Research (Gina Kelly)

17.   Empirical Studies in Socio-Economic & Development Sector              (Rabi N Subudhi)

18.   Developing a Pedagogical Culture for Teaching Research Methods (Barbara Kawulich et al)

Please check the Conference Website for a full list of sessions and session descriptions.

How to Submit an Abstract

1. To submit a paper abstract for any session of the RC33 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, you should visit:      


After landing on the homepage, navigate to ‘Abstract Submission’, which appears in the top left hand column of the webpage.

2. Complete the form in full. You may wish to cut and paste your abstract into the Abstract field from another document.

3. Choose the relevant session for your stream. To do so you will need to select the relevant lead session organiser from the drop-down menu highlighted in the image below. To check you are submitting to the correct session, you can view a table of sessions and session convenors by clicking the link entitled ‘View the list of sessions and session convenors’. Once complete, click submit.



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