"Federated Learning and AI for Healthcare 5.0"** and "Emerging Technologies in Digital Manufacturing and Smart Factories" Greetings esteemed researchers, scholars, and professionals, We cordially invite you to contribute your expertise to our upcoming publication titled "Federated Learning and AI for Healthcare 5.0." and "Emerging Technologies in Digital Manufacturing and Smart Factories" . We are thrilled to announce that this book will be published by the prestigious IGI Global, USA (link: [IGI Global Book Page](https://www.igi-global.com/book/federated-learning-healthcare/326124)) and https://www.igi-global.com/book/emerging-technologies-digital-manufacturing-smart/325239 with a high likelihood of receiving Scopus Indexing. We envision chapters that range from 7,000 to 10,000 words in length. Moreover, we extend our invitation not only to individual contributors but also institutions interested in consolidating their conference proceedings around this theme. The response has been encouraging, but we kindly request your assistance in spreading awareness among your research collaborators, friends, and peers who may have valuable insights on this subject matter. For those eager to submit their contributions or facing any technical difficulties during the upload process, please feel free to reach out directly so that we may assist you promptly. To initiate your submission journey seamlessly: 1. Visit IGI Global's Call for Proposal page using this link: https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/submit/6662) and https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/6637

2. Provide essential details such as chapter title(s), full name(s) of author(s), email address(es), affiliation(s), along with a concise chapter proposal spanning 1,000-2,000 words. To ensure a meticulous review process, we kindly request early submission, allowing ample time for thorough evaluation and potential revisions. By August 31, 2023, authors will be notified of their proposal status and provided with comprehensive guidelines for preparing their chapters. The final deadline for complete chapter submissions is October 3rd and 17th , 2023. We strongly advise all interested authors to consult our manuscript submission guidelines available at [Before You Write - Contributor Resources]( https://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/) prior to submitting their work. During the peer review stage, reviewers will assess each full chapter based on the following criteria: 1. Originality and significance of contribution 2. Interest to research community and/or practitioners: 3. International relevance. 4. Coverage of existing literature. 5. Methodology sufficiency, analysis clarity, comprehension depth 6. Are issues addressed in an easily understandable manner? 7. Organizational structure coherence: Is logical progression evident? Should you encounter any difficulties or have inquiries along this journey, please do not hesitate to communicate them with us promptly. Finally, we anticipate unveiling the two completed book online in 2024 – marking a significant milestone in healthcare innovation fueled by federated learning and AI collaboration and fostering innovation by providing insights into how new ideas can be developed leveraging cutting-edge technology trends while keeping pace with increasing demands for quality products at lower costs. We eagerly await your contributions towards shaping this transformative publication!

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