A colleague recently told me that, when preparing formaldehyde solutions from powdered paraformaldehyde, she keeps the temperature below 65 degrees C. Why is that necessary? We boil the solution in a closed tube.
You have two possiblities to clear the PFA solution: 1 heat up the solutiom to 100°C. Then the polymerisates of PFA solve alone, but the steam is dagerous becaus of its allergic and ancerogenic effects, especially when you have not suitabel hood where you can prepare the solution. Better to put hte solution in a bolltel. Put the tight locked bottel into an oven of 100°C for several days until the milky soltion becomes completely clear.
2. heat up the PFA solution to around 60°C and cleare with approx. 3 ml of 5 N NaOH. This is the method I recommand.