Currently there is a discussion which reference point for spawning stock biomass (SSB) should be used within European fisheries management. The Common Fisheries policy (CFP) and the Marine strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) require that exploited fish stocks should be at sustainable levels and make some more or less precise reference to SSBMSY. However, the scientific advisory committee within Europe, the International Council for the exploration of the Sea (ICES) suggests to use a reference point below SSBMSY, which is calles MSYB trigger. This is because according to ICES SSB will fluctuate around SSBMSY if fished at FMSY. Using SSBMSY as a limit would lead many stocks to fail their target even though they are fished sustainably, simply because of natural variations in stock size. However, conservationist groups within Europe are not too happy about the interpretation by ICES, because they think MSYBtrigger is too 'fishing-friendly'. What do You think? What experiences with SSB-reference points have You made in Your regions? What is the best reference point to make sure that fish stocks are harvested sustainably and yet profitably?

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