We are trying perform patch clamp (whole cell) recordings over basal ganglia neurons (striatum and substantia nigra) from organotypic rat silices that have been cultured between one and two weeks. The issue is that, even when the aspect and morphology of the recorded neurons seem to be normal and healty, after achieving a good seal and acces to the cell the neurons did not present action potentials in response to depolarising current steps. Also, neuronal resistances tended to be higher than in normal BG neurons, in several cases over 1Gohm.
We are using ACSF of 300-310 mOsm and internal patch solution of 290 mOsm. The osmolarity of the culture medium was 280 mOsm and yesterday we have adjusted to 310 mOsm for the new group of slices.
Did you think that by adjusting de osmolarity of the medium will resolve the problem or what else can be done?