Hello. I'm currently writing a proposal for an undergraduate dissertation on Silphidae and woodland fragmentation. I've decided to do pitfall trapping in 3 woodland sites deemed large, medium and small in addition to experimental carcass placement to assess interment rate (similar to Wolf & Gibbs (2004)). The study period will be 1 month. I've got everything else covered, I believe, but I'm struggling to determine how many pitfall traps I'd need for each site and the sampling strategy to be used. My best guess would be a stratified random grid to allow for interspersion and independence, however I'm not at all sure about number. I assumed number of pitfalls would be the same, however as the woodlands will differ in size wouldn't this cause scaling issues? Wouldn't the grid need to be different sizes to account for the woodland size? I'm not sure if I'm over thinking it or not.

Edit: furthermore, Silphidae are obviously going to be drawn toward bait and will intentionally seek it out, so the layout must be different from other studies involving Carabidae and so forth. I just can't envisage it at the moment.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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