Sahar Mesfar There are several books and articles on the subject of augmented reality and mobile app usage. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Jonathan T. Linowes' book "Augmented Reality: A Practical Guide" is available. This book gives an overview of augmented reality's history and present condition, as well as practical tips for designing AR apps.
2. Raghav Sood's "Pro Android Augmented Reality". This book teaches the fundamentals of augmented reality (AR) and how to create AR applications for Android smartphones.
3. Jonathan Linowes' "Augmented Reality for Developers". This book serves as a resource for developers interested in learning the theory and practice of creating augmented reality apps.
4. Bradley Metrock's "Augmented Reality: The Future of Mobile Gaming and Entertainment". This book investigates the possibilities of augmented reality in mobile gaming and entertainment.
5. Dieter Schmalstieg and Tobias Höllerer's "Mobile Augmented Reality". This book provides a thorough overview of the state-of-the-art in mobile augmented reality, including the technological underpinnings as well as the design and assessment of mobile AR systems.
6. J. Michael Spector and David Wiley's "Augmented Reality in Education and Training". This book investigates the use of augmented reality (AR) in education and training, containing case studies and examples of how AR is utilized in various contexts.
1. "Augmented Reality in Mobile Learning: An Overview," Tracey S. Vellucci and Sharon Y. Tettegah. This article offers an overview of the usage of augmented reality (AR) in mobile learning.
2. "Augmented Reality in Mobile Tourism: An Overview," written by Georgios Kefalas and Athanasios Karathanassis. This article examines the usage of augmented reality (AR) in mobile tourist apps.
3. "Augmented Reality for Mobile Advertising," by T. B. Sheridan, K. L. M. Riege, and A. W. Black. This article examines the usage of augmented reality (AR) in mobile advertising.
Keep in mind that some of these materials may be out of date, and the industry is continuously evolving, so it's critical to be open to new advancements and conduct studies on the newest technologies, platforms, and frameworks.