Does anyone have experience estimating formation enthalpy or Atomization energy of molecules using Gaussian? I am trying to calculate this parameter for simple molecules like H2O and NH3, however, there is a significant error even with decent theory level. I am wondering how accurate this could be done? Is there any specific theory/method performing better than others? ( currently, I am using B3LYP/6-311++G (2d,2p) . I do not have any QM background and any thought would be appreciated.

Here are some numbers I am getting from Gaussian, compared to the JANAF table values.

Molecule: Gaussian JANAF

H2O : 1174 KJ --------- 917 KJ

NH3 : 1432 ------------ 1158

N2 : 1467 ----------------- 941

H2: 434 ------------------ 432

O2: 870 -------------- 493


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