Where and how could I get atmospheric CO2 concentration (not emission) grided data for Europe? I am looking for a high-resolution (not lower than 0.01°) spatiotemporal dataset for 2015-2021.
I'm not sure that this database exists. I recall I used GLOBALVIEW-CO2, which is resolved along the latitudes, but its resolution is about 3 degrees. I believe that the biggest problem in your case should be not the resolution, but the uncertainty of measurement. Have a look at the attached file and compare the values from different sources and their spread.
Thank you for your suggestions. I checked your links and later figured out that Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is the better in my case as it has 0.75°x0.75°. Infact the spatial difference is not so high. So, low resolution datasets could also fulfil the requirments.