01 January 2015 17 2K Report

   Now we are rushing into a new stage where hydrogen energy as a practical energy is used by millions of people. According to a strategy road map for hydrogen and fuel cells that was developed by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI), fuel cell passenger vehicles (FCV) will be launched in 2015 and then fuel cell buses will be launched in 2016. By 2030, we will aim for development of FCV of which the price is equivalent of current hybrid cars. If the development of the low-price FCVs could be realized, FCVs will definitely spread all over the world. With the spread of FCVs or another fuel cell system, it will be necessary to investigate the health of metallic materials used for pipelines or storage tanks of fuel cell systems. Therefore it is vital to analyze local distribution of hydrogen in metallic materials because hydrogen makes the material brittle. The research for the analysis must be urgent because we are ever moving closer to a hydrogen energy society. 

   Now I keep trying to develop more sensitive and accurate local analysis method of hydrogen in metallic materials using D-SIMS and to seek for better ways other than the D-SIMS. I would be happy if you could tell me good information about an effective local analysis method of hydrogen in metallic materials.

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