I am a postgraduate student at Faculty of Information Engineering in Valladolid University. My research area is Software Design Smell detection. In particular, improving design smell detection for industry adoption. This survey aims to compare the human expert’s results with automatic experts (tools) in detecting design smells on a sample of classes written in Java programming language. The survey should take about 25 minutes to complete. I look forward to receiving your feedback very soon. Your kind attention and co-operation is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely, If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UYCvmNBlcRvnyI3rxVwFF96K0eQ7BM7uR6W1LWvrTh0/viewform Code Smell Detection docs.google.com Code Smell Detection docs.google.com

Code Smell Detection

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