Quote from a very recent e-mail to my account:
Dear Colleague, We hereby present Journal of Basic and Applied Research International (ISSN: 2395-3438 (Print), 2395-3446 (Online)) (http://tinyurl.com/journal-joba-1). This is a subscription-based Hardcopy journal. We follow the standard peer review system. We are committed to provide Quality and Fast publication (10-12 days processing time).
As stated above: Are they bloody joking??
There is no chance on this Earth that this journal can publish solid papers only - unless they have a staff of 1,000 who can collectively, within teams of specialists, assess the manuscripts.
Why the hurry?
And: don't doubt that "Fast" means "shallow assessment," and "Quality" means it sucks.
But I will visit this journal (if I do not forget) to see who or what appears in it.