Can we effectively teach leadership skills to those who has no tendencies or those who used to be followers? Do you have recommendations (Books, creative methodologies,...etc.)
Effective leadership skills can be learned, practiced, and improved through many ways. The most important leadership skills that you need to concentrate on includes, Communication skills, teamwork, decision making, problem solving, and how to be proactive not reactive.
Dear Nour. There are unlimited resources on leadership, including books (search Amazon Com), training workshops, online courses (search Google database), and CD ROMs. A good example is the Harvard School of Business courses. We held seminars/workshops on leadership and becoming a Scholarly Leader at King Saud University; you are welcome to attend. Prof S. Azer
Yes we can try and teach prospective followers. I put together a small research book. "Self leadership in research: One day at a time (
Absolutely. There are many good schools, teachers and books. They all build on one basic principle: self-knowledge. Find your own leadership style. On that foundation you can build any number of useful skills.
John Maxwell has trained many allover the world to become leaders. He trained people through seminars, educational events, books, videos, kits, and other resources. His books are valuable resource including:
- No Limits,
- Developing the Leader Within You,
- How Successful People Know about Leadership,
- The 5 Levels of Leadership,
- Laws of Leadership,
- 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth,
and many others. You could order his book via Amazon Com ( Good Luck
The effective one linked to a situation, usually according to the priority. In selecting a priority, a researcher must direct to a rapid target. For an example, an effective leadership work for a part quality hoping by. Thanks.
A bit of a different view here.. of course in one manner or another we need to understand the basics of leadership and the group of answers so far point out many great resources. However, any potential leader should have a mentor in the field in which they wish to lead. Because leadership implies 'people' management and 'leading', and we all know that until the workforce becomes AI, hands-on robots, every single person is different. We typically have a full bell curve of folks in our team. To be the best leader we can possibly be, we need to start with small teams and find out how to accomplish 'doable' goals. Lord knows that the near impossible will be asked of leaders at some point, so understanding how to achieve success is very important. 'Time in grade'... 'punching your ticket at all the stops'... 'stop managing and start leading' were all phrases I heard when I was growing as a 'leader' of people. Thank goodness for the leaders that I experienced as 'bosses' that they gave me time and experiences that allowed me to become a reasonable leader. I learned to identify my people by their hopes and dreams and helped them to achieve them 'all by themselves'. We all know, but let me state the obvious.. leadership does not come from a book... there is just too much of a human side for that to successfully occur.
Of course leadership is learned not passed on by genes. Hitler learned to lead by trying to sell his art works to doubting admirers and being turned down by art school. Trump did not take any classes in leadership. He learned how to buy and sell big buildings from his father. Then he learned that leadership is only something that involves selling or buying or pointing out that others aren't any good at what they do. He bought the presidency by showing ads so that voters who were fearful about their and the nation's future would be more interested in his bravado than in his negotiation skills. Do you want to teach following his example?
Look on the internet to see how many individuals list their articles about leadership. But don't just buy words, try to lead meetings that resolve important problems. Lead teams that learn what it takes to join together to reach common goals. Get elected the president of a neighborhood improvement group and see what it takes to quiet a complainer by fixing something that doesn't work.
Then learn how to communicate effectively with those who do not want to listen to you, solve problems that others try but do not solve, invent something that others really want to buy, find the necessary capital to manufacture it and get it into a store so someone can buy it, take your married partner and children on half a dozen picnics where they have to walk instead of drive there and talk a mad man out of maiming his neighbors and maybe killing one or more. THEN ask yourself if you think you have the real skills to teach someone to do something publicly important and see if you can honestly say you have learned how to lead. That process will help you become a leader faster than reading some internet articles on leadership. After you have been a successful leader you will know how to coach and teach leadership. Trying and then failing and trying again is the best (only?) way.
Usually or practically, leadership is a subsequent of management quality. You can select one of the models, for instance, participatory model. The model based on school with numerous needs. For an example, when I am in math class, we get many school programs, like kit management, evaluation models, and class assessment.
There is a debate in business and academic circles around how leaders are made. Listening to an entertaining and informative lecture, or even reading one of the many books on leadership, does not develop leadership skills.
Leadership should be inculcated through practicing and teaching in scenario based learning environment where students can act as a leader and can learn from their mistakes .
yes of course , so many course works exist for Development Leader Ship skills in the world , but specially for health managers you can refer to WHO and IHF leadership courses