I am interested in assessing how well certain probabilistic logic languages such as Problog2 implement plausible reasoning, an example of which is "explaining away".

There are only a few references within AI/Math (see below) which describe patterns of plausible reasoning which are part of human commonsense. My interest is specifically causal plausible (plausal?) inference.

Are you aware of any philosophy or psychology scholars that I might consult to find references within those domains? Ideally I want extensive catalogs of commonsense reasoning patterns, or plausible reasoning patterns, with examples.

Patterns of Plausible Reasoning References

V. Lifschitz, “Benchmark problems for formal nonmonotonic reasoning,” Non-Monotonic Reason., no. June 1988, pp. 202–219, 1989.

Polya, George, George Pólya, and George Pólya. Patterns of plausible inference. Vol. 968. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968.

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