23 November 2016 10 886 Report

For digestion of plant tissue for analysis with ICP, Huang and Schulte, 1985 is a highly cited procedure.

Briefly: 0.5 g plant tissue + 1ml 500 ppm Mo soln (internal standard) + 5ml HNO3 heated to 60 C over 0.5 h. Adding 3ml 30% H2O2 heated at 120 C for 1.5 h till 2-3 ml digest remains. Solution diluted to 50 ml with distilled water, mixed thoroughly. Filtered through Whatman no 40. Analysis with ICP.

Requesting your advice on thoughts below,

Mo is used as internal std. replacing Co (because Co interfers with Mn). Mo is a plant essential element and will be present in plant tissue, causing error. How critical is it to have an internal standard? Could this be skipped or is there a suitable replacement to Mo?

Are there any advances to digestion of plant tissue for analysis with ICP.

Your suggestions mean a lot.

Thanking you,



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