Is there anything in particular regarding the ecology you are looking for? A search for '"Salmo trutta", ecology' on Google Scholar gives you 34000 results, so you might want to refine the search to very specific details, there is a high chance that there is a paper on whatever you are looking for in this species.
Article Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., brown trout Salmo trutta L. ...
Klemetsen et al. (2003), mentioned by Joachim Näslund, can be downloaded among my contributions in Research Gate. If you look for someting in a larger format, the books he mention may be preferable.
The situation for Cyprinus carpio is like that for Salmo trutta - there are hundreds of papers on its biology and especially rearing. However, their ecology is different - Carp live in still or slow-flowing waters and require relatively high temperatures to breed whereas Trout breed at low temperatures, and demand high oxygen levels, such as are found in hill streams and oligotrophic lakes. Best wishes, Julian
perhaps the publication of Julian Junker et al., entitled "Assessing the impact of climate change on brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) recruitment", published in Hydrobiologia ( DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2073-4 ) might be of interest for you.
Cooper, E.L., ed. 1987. Carp in North America. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD. 84 pp. (cf.
Marking, L.L., and R.A. Schnick. 1992. Evaluation of toxicants for the control of
carp and other nuisance fishes. Fisheries 17(6): 6-13.