Most verbs have prepositions that are expected to follow them: listen to, wait for, based on, believe in, suffer from, etc. Some learners tend to forget these phrasal verbs.
Their/They're/There: These words are often confused. "Their" indicates possession, "they're" is a contraction of "they are," and "there" refers to a location.
It's/Its: "It's" is a contraction of "it is," whereas "its" shows possession (without an apostrophe).
Affect/Effect: "Affect" is usually a verb, and "effect" is typically a noun.
Lose/Loose: "Lose" is a verb meaning not to win, and "loose" is an adjective meaning not tight.
When you learn about WWI, you don't really see photos of the German nurses that were attending to wounded soldiers. This gives you an interesting look into their world. During such a difficult and devastating time in history, you catch a glimpse of humanity while these women nurse the soldiers back to health. This photo was taken around 1915, and during this time, those who were nurses mainly volunteered to do so.
Seeing photos like this with your own eyes helps transport you back in history and feel more connected to the emotions that were felt when the image was taken.
Can I write the first sentence as the second one? Is it correct?
It can be any pain associated with eating, so that means pain with the first insertion of food into the mouth or when it is deeper in the throat(or both).
It can be any pain associated with eating, so that means pain with the first insertion of food into the mouth or/and when it is deeper in the throat.
INCORRECT: We sell t-shirts and some others clothes.
CORRECT: We sell t-shirts and some other clothes.
RULE: Adjectives and noun modifiers should not take a plural form when they modify plural nouns in English. There are, however, a few noun modifiers that end in an –s: operations, arms, sports, jobs, forensics, physics
“Give me another book,” he said.
I hear that her mother is in another city.
She has another sister.
Did you see the other book that I bought?
Mary and Samuel are here, but where are the other kids?
Grid computing and utility computing, though sharing several attributes with cloud computing, are merely subsets of the latter. Although both grid computing and utility computing were precursors الأسلاف to cloud computing, nowadays they can be considered as implementations of the latter (but not always, as I’ve explained later). على الرغم من أن كلا من الحوسبة الشبكية والحوسبة المساعدة كانتا بمثابة مقدمة للاسلاف للحوسبة السحابية، إلا أنه في الوقت الحاضر يمكن اعتبارهما تطبيقات للأخيرة.
I can note one common mistake in pronunciation that that most Iraqis - and probably Arabs - make. This is related to the pronunciation of words that have initial clusters starting with /s/ phoneme. The word "street", for example, is pronounced by Iraqis as /sitri:t/, instead of /stri:t/, where Iraqis place the vowel /i/ between the /s/ and /t/ phonemes. In fact, they make this mistake due to the Arabic language which has no such cluster as /str/.
Another example which is also related to the differences between Arabic and English is the use of the indefinite articles "a" and "an". This is because Arabic lacks such articles. So most Arabs say and write "pen" instead of "a pen" and "car" instead of "a car" when they are indefinite.
في اللغة الإنجليزية نجد هذه الكلمة تنقسم الى قسمين
Pro + noun
Noun = اسم
Pro = هي كلمة أصلها لاتيني وتعنى ينوب عن أو يحل محل
ومن ثم نجد ان كلمة
pronoun (الضمير) ومعناها الحرفي هو الذي ينوب أو يحل محل الاسم
وإذا ما نظرنا الى الضمائر في اللغة الإنجليزية نجدها تنقسم الى
ضمائر الفاعل: Subject Pronouns: الضمائر الشخصية لدلاله عن المتكلم والمخاطب والغائب أي الذي يقوم بالفعل، وتحل نحل الأسماء التي تعمل كفاعل في الجملة، ويتم استخدام ضمير الفاعل في حالة الغائب وذلك لتجنب تكرار أن نذكر الفاعل كثيرا.
ضمائر المفعول: Objective Pronoun: وهي الضمائر التي تستخدم في اللغة الإنجليزية لتنوب أو تحل محل الأسماء التي تعمل كمفعول مباشر او غير مباشر في الجملة.
X --> It was my first day at the university, and I am on my way to first class. I wondered who else will be in the class. What the teacher would be like?
لقد كان يومي الأول في الجامعة، و كنتُ في طريقي لدرسيَ الأول. لقد تساءلتُ من سيكون في الصف أيضاً و بماذا يتصف المعلم
✅ -->It was my first day at the university, and I was on my way to first class. I wondered who else would be in the class and what the teacher would be like.
The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters), a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.
The Human Resources Information (HRI) database consists of two parts: the first one is the Education Database which includes information about university students and graduates, as well as about students and graduates from the Vocational Training Corporation (VTC); in the near future the Education Database will include information about students in basic and secondary education.