Try to make this brief, currently trying to record action potentials across a neural network, using Di-3-ANEPPDHQ, a voltage sensitive dye which blue shifts during excitation of the cell. My current filter cube has a band pass of 485/20nm, a beam splitter of 510nm, and a long pass of 515nm (see Zeiss filter cube 16). As such, I would expect a reduction in intensity during depolarisation, as the blue shift will reduce the amount of exciting light hitting the sample. Due to limitations of my current camera, I am recording maximally at 500Hz.

I am trying to observe spontaneous action potentials in my neural cultures, however there seems to be no discernible difference between untreated and TTX treated (1uM)  recordings (change of F/F0). I have also applied high concentrations of KCl to force depolarisation and that has only reduced signal intensity in a couple of experiments.

Does the problem stem from my current filter set up, or is it due to my low sampling frequency rate? I was planning on moving onto a faster camera next (>2KHz), however I'm anxious that I'm not seeing any change following the KCl. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and if you need to know anything else, please ask.

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