هناك الكثير ممن هم في سلك التعليم ويطلق عليهم اسم معلم وهم افقر منهم لذلك سواء كان السبب نقص التدريب والتاهيل او هو خلل بنشأتهم من البداية ولذلك لايمكن الاعتماد على مقولة ان المعلم مجرد مهنة يمكن لمن سلك طريقها الدراسي الحصول على هذا اللقب بجدارة ولكن هناك اوليات يجب ان يتحلى بها الشخص منذ ولادته وتتطور بالتعليم والتاهيل منها الشعور بالامتنان لمنصبه كمعلم وتادية واجبه بحب تجاه طلبته مع تشجيعهم على الدراسة رغم كل ظروفهم ومشاكلهم ومستويات ذكائهم وهذا الموقف ذكرني بمعلم اديسون الذي ارسل برقية لوالدة الطالب اديسون يخبرها انه طالب فاشل ولا يسمح له بالدوام مستقبلا وبالتالي وكلنا نعرف ماهية العبقرية التي كان يملكها اديسون وبتشجيع والدته تمكن من ان يكون المخترع الاول للكهرباء في العالم , فاين ذلك المعلم الذي حكم عليه بالفشل وهل يصح ان نطلق عليه اسم معلم بعد هذه الحادثة؟؟؟
Teaching is an art form. Just as in any other art some people are born with natural talents and some learn. However it's not as simple as that in both cases, great teachers and great artists have some of both. All the talent in the world won;t help if you don;t understand your craft. You can understand your craft and, in doing so, develop talent.
Some people are born with talent to be a good teacher and it is easy for them to be trained, but some of them need to put more time in order to train themselves for teacher call.
Teachers can be born with a passion for learning, for teaching, for education. Teachers’ personality traits mean much more than mere academic ability.’ This is true in building the atmosphere and inspiring learners. Teaching is not easy; it is not for anyone who loves the language or the classroom, only for those willing to go beyond, born with or developed teaching talent. Good teachers are made. They are made over time, through education, perseverance, practice and guidance.
Thank you. So we can say that teachers are both born and made. They are born with a talent and passion for teaching, but at the same time they are made by further enhancing their talent and developing new and existing skills. It is true that teaching is not easy and what's more it is not the best job in the world; however, if you're passionate about it, you'll make it a job for life no matter what.
I am worried by the 'born' dimension. There is no sign, as far as I know, of a 'teaching gene'? But there is little doubt that early year experiences develop both potential talents and motivation, which can be built on (or destroyed!) later on in their lives ... On balance I believe it is the explicit, and inplicit, learning environment, experiences and opportunities that develop our talents and motivation; and it is the combination of the two that determine results in the end?
Bruce Lloyd's answer is terrific - nature vrs nurture. While I agree that there is not a gene, I think that being born into a family with repetitive occupations (whether teachers, doctors, lawyers, builders, race car drivers or other) influences career skills because they hear the terminology in context throughout their development. They also have built in mentors who are also their natural role models. I came from a family of teachers but then spent years in corporate life. But, my corporate career was enhanced by my natural leaning towards employee development, likely influenced by my family history. After several decades, I stopped resisting and moved into education. This late choice led to a very late in life PhD though with my granddaughter attending my commencement!
I do not think that your qustion should be formulated as an either/or question. As Jill's and Bruce's answers suggests your question reminds us of the otiose dispute nature vs. nurture. As I see it, nobody is born to be a teacher, a physician, a lawyer, a psychologist, or a taxi driver, a football player and so forth. So, what we are or become depends on the interaction between one's nature or biological predispositions and one's nurture or his/her pysical and social milieu. So, teachers are not born, nor are they made. They become teachers, doctors, and so forth because of an intrincate relationship between their biological inheritance and the environment in which there were born and grew up. It is the combination of the three (genotype, environment, delicate interaction between genotype and environment) that determine the phenotype in the end.
While I acknowledge there is no such thing as ‘teacher gene’, the notion of ‘born’ in my original Question was rather metaphoric. Certainly there are particular traits or characteristics which are identifiable by others and can help to determine whether or not a person has the potential to become a teacher. Some of these traits are a caring attitude, patience, interpersonal skill, attention to detail and the willingness to help and explain things to others. Now people who are ‘born’ with such traits are more likely to become successful dedicated teachers than others who lack these traits. Effectively, it makes it much easier for educators to train these kinds of trainee teachers during teacher preparation; where the ‘making’ of a teacher takes place.
Born and Made is always a controversial issue. No doubt people born with certain dispositions that can match with the roles of a teacher later but always with required training and acquisitions of skills and passion one can be a inspiring teacher .
. There are those teachers who are 'born' with certain predispositions that make them act and behave as natural teachers; those who love to 'reach back and pull someone up', to use Denzel Washington's words. Having said that, however, a natural tendency alone is hardly sufficient; to become an effective teacher one has to continually enhance and develop one's skills, content and pedagogic knowledge in addition to what is nowadays becoming the 'tool of the trade' - digital or technological knowledge.
It seems both..the bloodline in your family can give you inspiration to become a teacher since your childhood.. made can be happen if they are happy to share their knowledge or maybe because of their peer influence
Both, are born with aptitude and a magisterial attitude is formed. After having formed that valuable human resource that is a teacher, we must take care of it so that it performs as much as possible: This care is always achieved, of course not:
Considering that the teacher is a profession, and as a profession needs training and professionalization, in this sense it is made. The idea of "being born for this", can diminish the importance of training and professionalization, of good remuneration for the profession. Well, the idea of "being born for it" as creating an idea of a mission.
هناك الكثير ممن هم في سلك التعليم ويطلق عليهم اسم معلم وهم افقر منهم لذلك سواء كان السبب نقص التدريب والتاهيل او هو خلل بنشأتهم من البداية ولذلك لايمكن الاعتماد على مقولة ان المعلم مجرد مهنة يمكن لمن سلك طريقها الدراسي الحصول على هذا اللقب بجدارة ولكن هناك اوليات يجب ان يتحلى بها الشخص منذ ولادته وتتطور بالتعليم والتاهيل منها الشعور بالامتنان لمنصبه كمعلم وتادية واجبه بحب تجاه طلبته مع تشجيعهم على الدراسة رغم كل ظروفهم ومشاكلهم ومستويات ذكائهم وهذا الموقف ذكرني بمعلم اديسون الذي ارسل برقية لوالدة الطالب اديسون يخبرها انه طالب فاشل ولا يسمح له بالدوام مستقبلا وبالتالي وكلنا نعرف ماهية العبقرية التي كان يملكها اديسون وبتشجيع والدته تمكن من ان يكون المخترع الاول للكهرباء في العالم , فاين ذلك المعلم الذي حكم عليه بالفشل وهل يصح ان نطلق عليه اسم معلم بعد هذه الحادثة؟؟؟
Teacher can born with passion for teaching and learning.Nevertheless, if no action is taken towards the development of more adaption environment change
Teachers are born not trained. The quality to teach someone and to transform a naive to experient and polished individual can't be induced in someone by any formal training. Also the quality to learn through out his or her life is inherent, it can't be inducted in any individual, as said by respected Rabinder Nath Tagore "A teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge but merely repeats his lesson to his students, can only load their minds, he cannot quicken them…",
To me, some teachers are born. To digress a little to football i will say Messi was born with foot ball while Ronaldo was made with foot ball. Saying this, i will agreed on the fact that majority of teachers are made and not born. Reason been that to teach is not that easy is Teaching is something you become proficient in and is also pursuit/interest. consequently, to teach entails that educator must have an intellectual style/framework on how and the prerequisite of what it takes to be a teacher and educator.
Great teachers are neither born nor made. Great teachers are the product of a combination of both, supported by the right structures, training, and incentives.
First, I will admit to you that this is not as simple a task as it looks; an “either” “or” situation. Yes, the question, or rather the statement, that a “good teacher is born and not made” looks very simple but responding to it is not. This is because we, and very importantly, need to understand what is "a good teacher?" And, interestingly, getting to do that is difficult. Lubbe (n.d) admitted that the question “what is a good teacher?” is tough and almost unanswerable. “We are looking for a ‘good teacher’ ” she pointed, “but how do we define good? What instrument do we use to measure this? Is it solely based on subjective measurement or are there objective means such as the rate of success of a teacher’s students?” (Lubbe, n.d, para. 3).
Second, Malikow (2006) argued, and I agree, that “there is no such entity as a born teacher. However, by nature, some people possess a combination of personality characteristics that are conducive to effective teaching… nevertheless, even the most genetically blessed teacher would benefit from a teacher education program” (pp 1-2). In other words, nobody is born a teacher, and this logic applies to all spheres of the human vocation, but we are all born with some genetic combinations and possess personality characteristics that when nurtured and developed through a training program can make us good.
However, given the situation: 1. It is almost impossible to identify, physically, those who are genetically blessed to possess a combination of personality characteristics that are conducive to effective teaching; 2. We cannot force such people, who are genetically blessed, to enroll for such training programs, and because of that; 3. the training program is open to everyone who wants to enroll and so; 4. People who are either passionate or in the quest for a career enroll for such programs and are, after completion, certified to be teachers, we end up having “good teachers” who are both “born” (possess a combination of personality characteristics that are conducive to effective teaching) and “made” (enroll for training programs that nurture and develop teaching ability). The only difference, however, between these two groups of people is that while those who do not possess a combination of personality characteristics that are conducive to effective teaching need to put in extra efforts to ensure a good result, those who possess it, on the other hand, find it relatively easy because it comes naturally. A good example is that of Messi and Ronaldo. Both football players are good and have obtained awards. But Ronaldo, who does not possess a combination of personality characteristics that are conducive to effective footballing, puts in a lot of extra efforts as compared to Messi who possesses it.
Lubbe, L. V. (n.d). What is a good teacher? (Essay) Retrieved from http://www.few.vu.nl/~lle510/essay.pdf
Malikow, M. (2006). Are Teachers Born or made? The Necessity of Teacher Training Program. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 16(3), 1-3.
Mr. Obed Lewi Yusuf here gave an outstanding response to this very interesting question. In order to spark some debate, however, I would like to contend two things. (1) I agree with his assessment, and that of Malikow's (2006), that "by nature, some people possess a combination of personality characteristics that are conducive to effective teaching”. Malikow himself recognizes, as it’s been done before by a myriad of personality trait theorists, that personality can be fixed and stable, at least within situations. That means that there are certain forms of relating, certain predispositions, which are innate and cannot be trained (Ashton, 2018).
This brings me to point (2). If having a certain constellation of personality traits is vital to teaching, as they seem to be (see Göncz, 2017), wouldn’t we be better off filtering out teachers who do not possess, within a range, these in-born predispositions? That would also leave more space for people with the right inclinations to join limited teacher-training programs. I don’t know what the situation is like in other countries, but my perception in Spain is that a lot of unmotivated professionals of other fields who are out of a job end up becoming high school teachers, to their disdain and that of their students, because of the ease of access and the job security that it provides.
Ashton, M. (2018). Individual differences and personality. Academic Press.
Göncz, L. (2017). Teacher personality: A review of psychological research and guidelines for a more comprehensive theory in educational psychology. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 75-95.
Malikow, M. (2006). Are Teachers Born or made? The Necessity of Teacher Training Program. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 16(3), 1-3.
Thanks Marc Josep Garcia Hervás for your kind words. I must also say that the two points you raised are crucial. It will interest you to know that the situation in Spain, as outlined in your second point, is not anything different from Nigeria. Teaching has become a "go-to" job for anyone who is fresh from college and is yet to secure a job. In fact, even high school leavers apply to teach in primary schools as they await admission to college.
I seriously think, there is a need for us to start a conversation around this topic
By born everyone is everything i think in child there is every potency but what he/she will be depend on the way the travel either influence by so many factors society,education ,background and so many thing..Teacher can be made by education and it one have potency by born but we need to shape it to get complete figure dotted line is given but we have to give line to make complete figure and dots are random we need to rearrange to make figure of desire.