An unknown researcher from an unknown institution, who does not work under the patronage of a known scientist, wants to publish an article. As a rule, in an authoritative journal he (she) cannot be published because there is no time and desire to "engage" in an unknown author. Then this author for a relatively small fee publishes the paper in some unrecognized journal of the third world. As a rule, the article is not reviewed but it has open access.
Case 1: The author is graphomaniac.
Case 2: The author does not use the article for a promotion, only to show that he (she) is a good researcher (self-advertisement).
Case 3: The author does use the article for a promotion. But the scientific committee of his institute rejects this article because of the predatory journal.
Case 4: Unexpectedly, it turns out that the author wrote an original work.
He (she) is evaluated and the study is recognized!
Make your choice!