12 December 2012 8 6K Report

I want to transfect THP-1 cells (and if preliminary experiments work, I plan to later transduce them with a virus to generate a stable cell line). For my functional experiments, I want them to be differentiated into adherent macrophages using PMA.

Ideally, I would like to transfect the adherent cells, for sakes of the time-course of knock-down.

I understand that THP-1 suspension cells are very difficult to transfect using lipid-based reagents, but nucleofection works well. I would like to know if once they are PMA-treated, whether the cells will be more amenable for transfection with lipid-based reagents. I don't really want to differentiate the cells, get them back into suspension for nucleofection (trypsin or EDTA?), and then re-plate. Any suggestions?

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