I am working on a general aviation airport security policy for small municipal airports which are only staffed part time and have very limited budgets. I am looking for methods to improve security without significant budget increases.
Hi Tom - You are likely already familiar with this but I would suggest the AOPA Airport watch program, a partnership with TSA. Some components could be called "neighborhood watch" for airports.
Hi Rebecca, sorry RG is still new to me and I did not see these responses until now. I did look at AOPA and AAAE. Both supplied some good information. The problem I face now is getting the airport to implement any of the recommendations. As with many small towns they perceive the risk is always with "the other guy" or "it can't happen here" . They have plans in the works to add more hangars; however even in the new construction plans security is not a concern.
Tom, did you reach out to your AOPA rep? I know ours personally and she has been a tremendous help to GA. Your NBAA rep could also provide insights and, from the sounds of it, more importantly the data that can be presented to the airport execs.