Hi again,

I know most people, expert bioinformaticians, use DESeq and EdgeR packages in RBioconductor to analyze differential expression from RNA-Seq data…

Unfortunatelly, I'm experimentalist and my knowledge in bioinformatics are rather low, that way we are using CLC Genome Workbech to analyze our data. I'm using default parameters, but not really confident with the final result. So it would be really great if someone having more experience in this software could give me some tips to perform an accurate analysis. 

What is the protocol/pipeline you use? what are the specified parameters? specific settings? 

I'm working with bacteria, in a time-course experiments. I have 4 time-points in 3 different conditions to compare, and RNA-Seq was performed to 3 biological replicates. It means that the total number of 4*3*3 samples 36 samples for one experiment.

Thank you in advance!

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