Hello! It's very easy to draw the dispersion characteristics using CST Microwave studio. First simulate your structure, there after either you can plot dispersion curve for all modes or you can select your desired mode through Eigen mode solver. Then go to boundary settings, and select periodic boundary and give your desired angle. then go to parametric set up and press apply button. you will dispersion curve vs. frequency after giving frequency sweep.
@ smrity ..is it required to simulate a unit cell in periodic structures application of CST...or can i simulate it in waveguide application of CST and run it using the Eigen Solver?
Arshid Ali you have shared nice pdf but it creats confusion. In one pdf they are telling use Magnetic boundry and in another pdf they are telling use electric boundry. Kindly clarify about this if possible
Shailendra Singh the boundary condition depends on your structure, it might be Et=0 for Ground plain or metal box, or Ht=0 for a insulator. If you have none of this, you may have one in a distance from your structure, like Ht=0 at quarter wavelength from a highly bounded wave-guide
I want to design printed ridge gap waveguide. I can plot the unit cell dispersion diagram. However, I could not plot supercell dispersion diagram. I think I did some mistakes. Can anyone help me about it?