16 October 2018 4 477 Report

Previously, I successfully knocked-in a transgene into HEK293 cells by using paired nickase CRISPR system. Now, I am trying to do it with human primary fibroblasts (nHDF). I co-transfected 3 plasmids by using Lipofactamine3000 and transfection efficiency was too low (10-20 cells in 80% confluent well in to 6 well plate). I applied antibiotic selection and hardly 10-20 cells survived (probably those with successful transfection). After making them confluent, I failed to see the GFP signal again. Is it possible that positively transfecetd cells got antibiotic resistance without the expression of transgene? If so then what mechanism undergone (any reference)?

My transgene is not expressing (no GFP). Is it worthy to confirm knock-in by junction PCR? Any way to improve knock-in? Please advise me!

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