I'm interested in the 3D structure of RNA molecules such as in the case of tRNA. So I need a tool which can predict the 3D structure given the sequence of the transcript.
If you happen to have experimentally determined secondary structure of your RNA (e.g via chemical probing or SHAPE), you might find RNAComposer to be a quite useful tool. See the following website: http://rnacomposer.cs.put.poznan.pl/Home
Hi, there are many models including knowledge-based and physics-based can be used to predict RNA 3D structures. More details can be found in the following reviiew and papers:
Ya-Zhou Shi, Yuan-Yan Wu, Feng-Hua Wang, Zhi-Jie Tan*, RNA structure prediction: Progress and perspective. Chinese Physics B. 23(7) 078701, 2014.
Ya-Zhou Shi, Feng-Hua Wang, Yuan-Yan Wu, Zhi-Jie Tan*, A coarse-grained model with implicit salt for RNAs: predicting 3D structure, stability and salt effect. The Journal of Chemical Physics; 141(10) 105102, 2014.
Ya-Zhou Shi, Lei Jin, Feng-Hua Wang, Xiao-Long Zhu, and Zhi-Jie Tan*, Predicting 3D structure, flexibility and stability of RNA hairpins in monovalent and divalent ion solutions. Biophysical Journal 109: 2654-2665, 2015.