Dear Yousaf Ayub, you can always address Quality Management in Industry 4.0 Era.
Palpable progress in Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are quickly turning Industry 4.0 a reality thus having a deep effect on every angle of the manufacturing industry, from logistics to quality control. The measurement for the quality control no longer will be made in a distinct metrology section, but instantaneously on the production line. Smart sensors might be able to register and transmit the recorded data yet no real added-value is obtained from this if the recorded data is not utilized to decide how to improve a process. However, the methods utilized on how to use this is a substantial challenge and it should lead engineers to make the correct decisions.
What are we talking here, is, essentially, Digital Transformation of Quality Management. Many subtopics related to this issue can be found in the literature.
However, other tendencies can be researched, such as, for instance, The impact of Total Quality Management by using data mining. Regarding this line of research, the paper "Quality improvement calls data mining: the case of the seven new quality tools" is a good example.
Many other articles address how Big Data will impact Quality Management. I urge Yousaf Ayub to make a quick search on the impact of Big Data on Quality Management in all the relevant literature libraries. Several examples are already published. Back in 2014, Hertzler Inc. published 5 Ways Big Data will Impact Quality Management.
Papers that cross neural networks with Total Quality Management, can also be found in the literature.
I think that one of the most important issues or topics that can affect TQM systems for manufacturing industries in the future is Quality Engineering Techniques (QET). These techniques are very applicable and consist of statistical and non-statistical tools.