Your question is too vague! What aspects of cooperation in agriculture are you most interested? Economic, Socio-political? Historical, Legal, Regional area/country. Do you have a Research question, or more than one? hypothesis/es? Be more specific if you can. Thank you.
Bruno Borsari , Thank you for your suggestion. I am interested in the Economic aspect. Does agriculture Cooperative membership really contribute to members' benefits? Is there any difference btw non-membership and membership? How the result of the result can contribute to Agriculture law? ( The assembly of Ministry will revise the law in next few years and the Cooperative development is one of the priority issue) , The conduct location is in Lao PDR. Anyway, I still vague in the main concept and trying to read more previous studies.
Dear Phoutthavong, Given the scenario you have described I think your research should focus on assessment which would measure the "worth" of cooperatives. You could prepare a survery for cooperative members and this survey would yield quantitative data. A review of the laws about cooperatives and interviews (with members and also non-members) would yield qualitative data. The discussion of these qualitative and quantitative data would present the situation in the regio/country (let's say: Lao) you are interested in studying.
Making a questionnaire related to the current socio-economic condition of the farmers and collecting data from them. After analysing the collected data quantitatively and qualitatively an agricultural cooperative research project can be framed.
You could evaluate the potential of co-operatives to shift towards community supported agriculture so as to have local consumers connecting better with the farmers, minimizing of packaging and transport costs, growing according to known demands of a specific area, establishing stronger community ties.