I need to adress the issue
1. If the line cross the 45° line
2. if the line proximity to 45° line but not cross
3. If the line above from 45° line
4. If the line below from 45° line
Thanks for answer to my question
I'm working on the calibration of a hydrological model which is Python-based. In addition to my manual calibration, I need to carry out an automatic calibration and most articles I reviewed...
25 October 2020 9,053 2 View
I am using three electrode systems (Ag/AgCl reference electrode filed with 3M NaCl, Pt wire counter electrode and my material (nickel foam) as working electrode. I am depositing metal nitrates on...
10 December 2019 3,007 3 View
I need your help please
08 April 2019 3,556 15 View
There might be characteristics that makes such soils special.
31 July 2017 2,628 4 View
I have electropolymerized a polymer film on Glassy carbon electrode surface from a monomer solution by cyclic voltammetry potentiodynamically for 20 scans. Can any body tell me how to determine...
31 July 2017 7,954 3 View
Related to soil characteristics
31 July 2017 7,892 7 View
I determine the surface area of my electrode using Randles Sevcik equation, however this surface area is less than the geometrical/physical surface area of the electrode. What is this means? Does...
30 November 2016 6,982 10 View
I have been running CV experiment and discovered the formation of bubbles at my Working Electrode & evolution of gas at z counter electrode since last week. I have changed my RE and it worked...
03 April 2016 8,013 6 View
Please extend your information. I need it carefully.
01 January 1970 8,368 12 View
Hiiiii everyone! I have an enquiry on statistical analysis. I was looking for many forum and it's still cannot solve my problem. I want to compare means of two groups of data but only with two...
03 March 2021 8,796 3 View
I am on the lookout for the Enhanced Yellow Fluorescent Protein (Aequorea victoria) DNA sequence. Does anyone know where I can find it? Thank you in advance
03 March 2021 3,568 1 View
Hi, I want to start testing pitfall trap to obtain ants samples, but I need to conduct molecular analysis on those insects. So, what kind of fluid can I use? Ethanol expires too early and I need...
03 March 2021 5,978 5 View
Results of single-case research designs (i.e., n-of-1 trials) are often evaluated by visually inspecting the time-series graph and computing quantitative indices. A question our research team is...
03 March 2021 687 1 View
What's the best way to measure growth rates in House sparrow chicks from day 2 to day 10? Since, the growth curve from day 2 to 10 won't be like the "Logistic curve" it might not follow logistic...
03 March 2021 1,401 3 View
I have conducted and published a systematic review and meta-analysis research with the topic related to public health and health pomotion (protocol was registed in PROSPERO). Now we want to...
03 March 2021 8,920 3 View
dear community, my model is based feature extraction from non stationary signals using discrete Wavelet Transform and then using statistical features then machine learning classifiers in order to...
03 March 2021 6,994 5 View
I'm dealing with a mediation model and am using the PROCESS module in SPSS. Due to SPSS and PROCESS being limited in the imputation methods - being unable to handle multiple imputation - the other...
02 March 2021 4,362 1 View
I just wanted to check if I need to run a linear regression separately if I am using PROCESS MACRO to run mediation analysis. Thank you.
02 March 2021 4,359 3 View
If the detection range is in ng/ml but the reference range is in ug/ml for a molecule or protein in serum or plasma .how to dilute and what is the initial volume to be taken for quantitative analysis
02 March 2021 7,670 3 View