Hi, your questions have two part one employee's innovative behavior and second part of your questions innovative work behavior.
Yes... as per me main difference between two, in employee's innovative behavior include all the factors i.e. knowledge, experience, attitude, challenges towards innovative thinking and control through mind only by employees while other i.e.innovative work behavior is not include only employees all above factors it also include employer's related to above factors with other variables like business age, product, management attitude etc.
Above interpretation totally based upon my 15 years of entrepreneur, researcher and teachers experience.
In the literature about innovative work behaviour, both (Employees' Innovative Behaviour and Innovative Work Behaviour) are used to refer to the same: the generation, promotion and application of new ideas in the work environment. For Employees’ Innovative Behaviour the level of analysis is clear: the individual level, while Innovative Work Behaviour in some(!) studies is treated as team level construct (but in general also for IWB the unit of analysis is the individual employee). So, no: in my opinion there is no difference between them. Innovative Work Behaviour is one of of my key research topics.
I follow your reasoning Rok, but within the context of research about individual innovation at work, in my opinion both expressions refer to the same phenomenon. This opinion can be supported by various literature reviews were both terms are used in the search string. For example, Minglong Li, Cathy H.C. Hsu, (2016) stated in their review (2822): "... researchers use various terms to describe Employee Innovative Behavior, such as employee innovation behavior (Amo, 2006) and innovative work behavior (Madrid et al., 2014)."
There are several reliable and valid scales . I used the 9-items scale of Janssen (2000), α = 0.95 (self-ratings) and 0.96 (supervisor ratings). I recommend you to read the studt of De Jong & Den Hartog (2010). They developed a scale and they cite several other scales. Article Measuring Innovative Work Behavior
In my perspective we have to be careful in our conceptualisation and so be able to separarate and distinguish constructs. Further, this fine-tuning would depend on the level of detailing of the study being undertaken.
The construct 'innovative work behaviour' may be further deconstructd horizontally into "managerial innovative work behaviour", 'supervisor innovative work behaviour' and 'employee innovative work behaviour'. ie three further horizontal levels. At a vertical level of categorisation, 'innovative work behaviour' may also be separated into a multi-level 'national innovative work behaviour; 'firm innovative work behaviour; or 'individual innovative work behaviour'.
In the case of 'employee innovative behaviour', this term has been loosely conflated with 'employee innovative work behaviour', but the question becomes is 'employee innovative behaviour' only associated with 'work organisations'. What about 'non-work' organisations eg charities, political organisations, religious organisations, educational organisations. What about non-organisations, eg networks, crowds (as in crowdsources) etc.
So the distinctiveness of the constructs really depends on the level of detailing of the study being undertaken.
It is also very problematic and introduces errors of reliability, validity and comparability when we are not comparing apples with apples.
One last quirk, in the early days of my one of my professors advised that employee innovatove work behaviour was really a transient varialbe, in his worldview, and that the real tangible measure that we sould seek after in organisations is employee innovative work output. Why ? Because behaviour may not always result in the beneficial output that the firm desires ie that improves firm performance
The papers and dissertation below smay also provide some further help
Chapter Employee motivation and working innovatively; the quality of...
Thesis Perceived quality of management and employee innovative work...